Retail verpakkingen voor verse groenten en fruit
Find the answer to tomorrow's question at Empack 2022
05 april 2022 - 07 april 2022
Empack is the largest trade fair in the Benelux in the field of packaging technology and forms the unique business platform for products, services and solutions from the packaging world. April 5, 6 & 7 2022, Evenementenhal Gorinchem will be the setting for the 19th edition of Empack. Producing better, more efficiently and more sustainably is central for two days.
From leading global brands and retailers to innovative start-ups and exciting new ventures. The event is buzzing with dedicated investors. They want to solve their packaging challenges by discovering new technology and materials. Obviously, gaining new knowledge and inspiration and making new connections are also high on everyone’s agenda.
Please be invited to join us at the Empack 2022! Here we share the latest packaging developments in the industrial market.
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